Læs mere her om Danmarks støtte til Ukraine som følge af Ruslands fortsatte brutale, uberettigede og uprovokerede militære aggression mod Ukraine. Informationerne på denne side opdateres løbende.
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) seek to undertake an appraisal of the new multiannual Regional Migration Governance Programme for Türkiye and the Western Balkans 2025 – 2030 with a total ...
Vær til enhver tid opmærksom på din personlige sikkerhed og hold dig opdateret om udviklingen via de lokale myndigheder, nyhedsmedierne og dit rejsebureau. Generel anbefaling Når du rejser til De ...
Brug din sunde fornuft og vær opmærksom på mistænkelig adfærd som du ville være det, hvis du var i Danmark. Generel anbefaling De fleste danskere har ingen problemer under besøg i Sydkorea. Brug din ...
Case processing time for visa applications at the Danish Missions is 15 days. Please be aware that if there is a need for further investigation, the case processing time may be up to 45 days. Remember ...
Denmark and the EU aim for greater attention to the wishes and priorities of the African countries. Equal partnerships with African countries is a central focus of the new strategy.
Regeringen styrker dansk engagement med de afrikanske lande. Danmark og EU skal blive bedre til at lytte til afrikanske landes ønsker og prioriteter. Ligeværdige partnerskaber med de afrikanske lande ...
On these pages you will find information about applications for Schengen visas, residence and work permits as well as Danish passports. You will be guided through the process, procedures and rules as ...
Denmark shows solidarity with Ukraine through multifaceted and long-term support provided bilaterally and in concert with our partners and allies. Since the outbreak of the war, Danish support to ...
Answers to the most common questions about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ travel advice in relation to coronavirus/COVID-19 can be found below. Questions regarding health-related issues, including ...
Verden er blevet mere urolig og uforudsigelig efter Ruslands invasion af Ukraine. Med den nye udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitiske strategi udstikker regeringen de overordnede pejlemærker for, hvordan ...
The world has become more uncertain and unpredictable after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With the new Foreign and Security Policy Strategy, the government sets the course for how Denmark best ...