Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is targeting people with dual citizenship as part of a broadening crackdown ahead of ...
Hungary and the United States will agree on an economic cooperation package that will help the Hungarian economy and could ...
A friendly meeting between President Trump, Elon Musk, and Viktor Orbán was the culmination of years of increasingly close ...
French president Emmanuel Macron greeted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on the steps of the Élysée Palace in Paris, ...
Former Hungarian finance minister Mihaly Varga took over as central bank governor on Tuesday, pledging an independent policy ...
His position has given the former Warsaw Pact nation — which has a population only slightly larger than New Jersey — an outsized role in European diplomacy.
Évente csak Magyarország hétmilliárd eurót veszít az orosz-ukrán háborún –jelentette ki Orbán Viktor abban az interjúban, amelyet az ismert szélsőjobboldali amerikai műsorvezetőnek, Tucker Carlsonnak ...
Orbán Viktor arról beszélt, ha nem sikerül egyezségre jutni a kereskedők képviselőivel, akkor felhatalmazásával élve Nagy Márton árstopot vezet be több termékre, sőt ha a hatósági árazás sem jön be, ...
Hungary — under the leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán — isn't the democracy it used to be. Orbán has weakened the country's judicial independence, clamped down on press freedoms and ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban outlined a series of measures designed to strengthen the nation's economic and political landscape in 2025. Speaking at the Hungarian parliament on Monday ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has sold his brand of politics as conservatism. But what's really happening there is corruption benefitting... Former U.S. ambassador to Hungary discusses ...