Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in letters are solely the opinion of that person and not the Daily Journal. Endangered ...
Like a worm in an apple, politics — of both the national and local varieties — continues to provoke strong reactions with readers.
Some scientists say the for-profit industry’s fast growth makes it harder to police fraud and low-quality work.
Research suggests ... Please send us a letter to the editor by emailing us at [email protected] or through mail: Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, 710 Avenue J, Lubbock, TX 79401.
If I need medications like my father, who had Parkinson’s, the NIH would have funded research on treatments, while the FDA ensured their safety. • If I was a farmer, like my extended family, I’d ...
Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less ... part of a broader strategy known as the "illusory truth effect" (Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 16(1), 107-112).
That’s how business should work. Unfortunately, Iowa’s Research Activities Tax Credit shields large corporations from this basic principle by shifting their risk onto taxpayers. This credit ...
The Wall Street Journal, the World Bank and several world ... Trump and Musk's multitudes of illegal acts will have to be in another letter.
Aaron Zitner is a reporter and editor in The Wall Street Journal's Washington bureau ... the emerging sciences of biotechnology, stem-cell research and the field of human fertility for the ...
Guidelines for how to write a letter to the editor are here ... is compounded by the underfunding crisis in innovation, research and development, with Australia dropping even further down ...
Kennedy has been a staff reporter on the school’s newspaper for three years and editor-in-chief of the ... Her dad, Jeff Kennedy, is at left. As the Journal-World reported, two LHS student ...
It turns out extramural-funded research in Maine is a burgeoning economic enterprise. Clifford J. Rosen, MD, is an associate editor of the New England Journal of Medicine and senior scientist and ...