Our readers share their opinions on a variety of topics ...
A robust workforce begins in the classroom, and providing every Ohio student access to free school meals is a sensible ...
Lauren is an international relations major from Houston, Texas. Previously at The Daily, she was a News beat reporter and ...
A letter f III, acting deputy attorney general, accepting the resignation of Danielle R. Sassoon, Manhattan’s acting U.S.
Danielle R. Sassoon, who resigned Thursday as Manhattan’s U.S. attorney, writes to Attorney General Pam Bondi to explain her ...
The Governor’s education plan falls way short. The changes he and Secretary Saunders propose involve massive disruptions in school administration with enormous implications for students, teachers, ...
Dems win back voters?" That was the headline of a February 8 USA Today article that caught my attention. I didn't immediately ...
What a surprise that the masters of pork barrel politics are pushing for free lunches for all K-12 public school students, no means-testing necessary. Thus we will have the middle class paying to ...
When asked by a women at the end of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 as to what type of government the delegates created, Benjamin Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it!" His ...
The LNP | LancasterOnline Opinion department publishes reader letters in both the newspaper and online on Wednesdays and Sundays. On the other five days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday ...
That’s enough time for students to get to class, grab a bite to eat and ... and let your voice be heard by writing a letter to the editor. Letters can be a maximum of 250 words, and are subject ...
The overwhelming generosity of the people of Longview helped provide joy to children in need through Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts this season. Across the U.S., the Samaritan’s Purse ...