A new installment of the Ninja Gaiden series has been announced. Team Ninja studio is collaborating with the developers of ...
Ninja Gaiden is officially back. Game developers Team Ninja and PlatinumGames have unveiled Ninja Gaiden 4, which is set to ...
Ryu Hyabusa is back, but he's not alone in Ninja Gaiden 4. Ready your blades as we slice into all the details we know about the return of this beloved series.
Ninja Gaiden 4 was revealed by Team Ninja and PlatinumGames at Xbox Developer Direct in January 2025, and a remake of Ninja Gaiden 2 has been released today.
Team Ninja teamed up with Platinum Games, makers of Bayonetta and Nier Automata, to develop Ninja Gaiden 4. The game is a sequel to 2012's Ninja Gaiden 3 but will feature a new protagonist. It will ...