One of the most important ways that humans have impacted biodiversity in the long run is through reducing the abundance of megafauna (animals over ca. 45 kg/100 lbs). It is well known that toward the ...
Anselme CormierLecturer in ancient history at the Université catholique de l'Ouest in Nantes and research associate at the Centre Jean Bérard in Naples ...
In a recent study in Physical Review Letters, SFI Complexity Postdoctoral Fellow Aanjaneya Kumar and colleagues show that the ...
Medieval friar William of Ockham posited a famous idea: always pick the simplest explanation. Often referred to as the parsimony principle, “Ockham’s razor” has shaped scientific decisions for ...
Applications for the third Complexity Global School (CGS) are now open. The school will be hosted at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, and applicants from all countries are eligible to ...
Applications for the third Complexity Global School (CGS) are now open. Like last year, the school will be hosted at Universidad de los Andes (Uniandes), in Bogotá, Colombia, but for the first time, ...
The adoption and diffusion of new technologies, including those associated with energy distribution and management, requires a deep appreciation of the properties and diversity of social systems.
Choose between National History Museum and Downtown Santa Fe OR Hike - Bandelier National Monument National History Museum and Downtown Santa Fe https://www ...
This paper discusses some of the problematic aspects of the Bayesian first-principles “proof” of Occam’s razor which involves Occam factors. Although it is true that the posterior for a model is ...
The SFI Undergraduate Complexity Research (UCR) program is a 10-week residential experience in complexity science research. Students can select from a menu of projects, or develop a project in ...
The Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modeling and Complexity brings together a group of advanced Ph.D. students and a small faculty for an intensive two-week study of computational ...