AnnaMichelle Pack, PA-C, MSPA, is a board-certified Physician Assistant specializing in the care of patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) at the University of Utah Department of ...
Los hisopos de algodón pueden empujar el cerumen más adentro del oído, causando la obstrucción de cera en el canal auditivo.
Every day, millions of Americans use cotton swabs to clean their ears. However, cotton swabs can push earwax further into the ...
Planning for a family is an exciting step, but questions about stopping birth control and fertility often arise. How soon can you become fertile after discontinuing contraception methods? Do you ...
One of the most overlooked ways of preventing dental disease is with the use of fluoride. It's essential for a healthier ...
Una de las formas más olvidadas es la prevención de enfermedades dentales mediante el uso de flúor. Este mineral natural es ...
It is common knowledge that smoking cigarettes is bad for you. It can cause significant health complications including lung cancer and COPD. Lung tissue, once damaged, cannot repair itself. So if you ...
Physical therapy can be effective in treating a condition more than 3 million Americans live with every day: chronic pain.
Starting and sticking to an exercise routine can be challenging, but it does not have to be overwhelming. Health coach Nick Galli identifies three common obstacles that often derail fitness goals and ...
Most diets are set up to fail. They demand drastic changes, impose rigid rules, and often take the joy out of eating—making them nearly impossible to sustain. But it does not have to be this way.
Your first prenatal care visit takes place when you are 8–10 weeks pregnant. This initial visit typically takes 40 minutes. You will see either a midwife or women’s health nurse practitioner during ...