In a dramatic turn of events, Phyllis Fong, the USDA Inspector General, was escorted out of her office for refusing to comply with her dismissal by the Trump administration. This incident raises ...
Phyllis Fong had informed her colleagues in an email that she planned to remain in her position, asserting that the termination notice did not follow legal requirements and therefore was not valid.
According to a report from Reuters, she was escorted from the building today by security. Fong is a 22-year veteran of the inspector general office with the USDA. And while that multi-decade career is ...
Fired inspector general of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Phyllis Fong was removed from her Washington D.C. office on ...
The inspector general of the USDA was reportedly forced out of her office by security after refusing to comply with her ...
In 2022, the inspector general’s office launched an investigation of Elon Musk’s brain implant startup Neuralink, which ...