They can locate enemy radar, eavesdrop on enemy communications, penetrate other enemy electronic systems, and build what’s known as an electronic order of battle for the Russian Armed Forces.
Russia is painting decoy fighter aircraft on the tarmac at its airfields to try to confuse Ukraine's forces but is undermining this move by landing helicopters on the silhouettes, British defense ...
Fifth, we urgently need to remediate our naval warfare capability, to ensure that our battle fleet of six Collins-class ...
Beijing deployed a naval task group to the waters around Australia for three related reasons. First, to demonstrate the reach ...
China exposes fundamental flaw in Australia’s defence. With their navy in the Tasman, AUKUS is sapping funds from ...
PLANS by president Donald Trump to withdraw US ground, air and naval military assets from Europe have led to widespread panic ...
The really nasty part is that the American decision disabled weapon systems bought by European taxpayers for Ukraine to ...