Among everyday Ukrainians, concerns are more prosaic—and immediate. At Kyiv’s Maidan, or Independence Square, Yana, a 41-year ...
But with Ukrainians now confronting, at least on some level, both Trumpism and Putinism, will they be able ... to identify Russian imperialist fascism and the need to resist it and the global ...
Putin may yet die a peaceful death (though few autocrats do), but the Russian people ultimately will not choose Putinism — just as the Germans and Italians ultimately did not choose fascism.
Ben Bernanke Free Thinking - Medical Surgery Past and Present Free Thinking - Feature: Bamburgh Castle Free Thinking – Putin & Putinism ... links anti-Semitism, fascism and war with the lives ...
A historian of Russia and the USSR, his work has ranged across political and cultural history, communism and fascism, the history of the Russian ... and the historical roots and history politics of ...
Fascism, with all of its permutations and historically-specific variables, is sometimes described colloquially as capitalism in crisis, sometimes as capitalism with its gloves off. But what are ...
The student leaders who valiantly led that mass uprising made frequent use of the words "fascism" and "fascist" while describing the regime they were fighting against, and not surprisingly ...
This ideological shift paved the way for Mussolini's Fascism. The concept of syndicalisme révolutionnaire or revolutionary syndicalism emerged in French socialist journals in 1903. The French General ...