Az éneklés mellett visszatért a civil munkájához Orbán Rudolf, a Megasztár legutóbbi évadának 2. helyezettje. A fiatal énekes a tanulást is folytatja. De természetesen már a zene is fontos szerepet já ...
Now that Trump is back in the White House, he and Putin will reunite in “The Donny & Poot Show” on FOX weeknights at 9 p.m. Expected guests include: Bashar al-Assad, Viktor Orban, Kim Jong Un, ...
A court in Bosnia on Wednesday sentenced the pro-Russia Bosnian Serb president, Milorad Dodik, to one year in prison and banned him from politics for six years ...
Dodik az elítélése után felrobbantaná Boszniát, az egyik első hívást a magyar miniszterelnöktől kapta. Borul-e a térségi ...
While the Orbán government keeps saying that Hungary must not get involved in the Russian-Ukrainian war, it has become an ...
Elvis Barukcic/Getty Images He has frequently enlisted maverick allies: Former New York City mayor, Donald Trump loyalist and disbarred lawyer Rudy Giuliani was flown to Banja Luka for an extensive ...
A court in Bosnia on Wednesday sentenced pro-Russian Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik to one year in prison and banned him from engaging in politics for six years because of his separatist actions ...