Following the DA's recent visit to the US, this article delves into the implications of their self-proclaimed role as ...
Of all the European Union countries targeted for criticism by the Trump administration, none has attracted more vitriol than ...
Após a denúncia apresentada pela Procuradoria-Geral da República, são grandes as chances de Jair Bolsonaro tornar-se réu e ...
Em fevereiro de 2024, ele já dormiu uma noite na embaixada da Hungria, mas não pediu asilo. Se pedisse, corria o risco de ...
The Democratic Alliance (DA) returned from its US visit emboldened, declaring itself a ldquo;steadfast and credible advocate ...
For most of his first term, President Donald Trump was a relatively lonely figure on the world stage. Establishment figures considered him vulgar, and his unaba ...
Ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro ... como Viktor Orbán, na Hungria; Nicolás Maduro, na Venezuela; e Recep Erdogan, na Turquia. Assim, a tentativa de golpe por parte de Bolsonaro e seus aliados ...
Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro speaks to journalists in Brasilia last week following his indictment. TON MOLINA NurPhoto via AFP I gotta hand it to former right-wing Brazilian President ...
There were buttons handed out with joint pictures of Donald Trump and Viktor ... Eduardo Bolsonaro railed against the efforts to prosecute his father, former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro ...