The Hungarian government is proposing a constitutional amendment that could allow the expulsion of Hungarian nationals with dual citizenship. Here are the latest news about the matter: ...
János Lázár planned to lease out the landholdings of four major Budapest railway stations for 99 years to commercialise the ...
"Peter Magyar was therefore one of the initiators of a pro-war document by Brussels that aims to continue financing the ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina is arguably in its biggest crisis since the end of the civil war (1992–1995) and the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995, ...
According to PM Orban, this regulation applies to thirty essential food products that families purchase most frequently. He expects retailers to find ways to counter this decision, but the government ...
In other news, Poland’s announcement of tax on big tech prompts predictable US backlash; Slovakia’s PM denies Croatian ...
Péter Magyar said later that his signature had appeared on the document by mistake. Referring to a declaration proposal submitted to the European Parliament, Fidesz MEP Csaba Dömötör said that Péter ...