U.S. conservatives have looked to Hungary's Viktor Orbán as an inspiration for a right-wing America, and the prime minister has become a close ally of President Donald Trump.
In an interview with Hungarian public radio, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated that Hungary has long promoted ...
In an interview with Hungarian public radio, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated that Hungary has long upheld values ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán believes U.S. President Donald Trump will reintegrate Russia into the Western economy and energy sector if the Ukraine war ends ...
Over the past decade, he’s watched as the government of Viktor Orbán—the world leader whom Steve Bannon once praised as ...
Princeton professor Kim Lane Scheppele points out that Orbán was actually involved in the design of Project 2025.
"Viktor Orbán has fought it out; the EU funds are coming to Hungary," the communications director of the ruling parties said.
A kormányfÅ‘ közösségimédia-oldalán megosztott videójában arról beszélt, hogy a brüsszeli terveknek Magyarországon is vannak támogatói. A baloldali pártok mögött lévÅ‘ közgazdászok állandóan felvetik, ...
Orbán Viktornak tavaly még 10 millió forint megtakarítása volt, a február 1-jén közzétett vagyonnyilatkozatában viszont már csak 5 millió 732 ezer forint szerepel a feleségével közös számláján. A ...
But his golden age with Trump may already be over. Disclaimer - All opinions in this column reflect the views of the author(s), not Euractiv Media. This may not be the Donald J. Trump Viktor ...
EU sanctions against Russia are bad, but it's all good when Donald Trump threatens to impose them, according to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In an interview to state broadcaster Kossuth ...