Florida, spring break and Embassy in Mexico

Florida state and local police departments are bracing for the influx of spring break travelers coming to party on the beach.
When is spring break for Florida students? It's the last big period for kids before the end of the 2024-2025 school year. The answer: It depends on where you live. For some, spring break ...
Break is kicking into high gear this month, but experts and officials are warning about potential issues with both travel and ...
Miami Beach officials are cracking down on spring break chaos and disorderly conduct. Several Florida beaches, primarily on the East and West Coasts, allow alcohol consumption with some ...
Don't want red tide to crash your spring break plans? Check out where algae is currently, what to know about blooms in ...
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – Spring Break is in full swing in Miami Beach. Traffic getting onto Miami Beach may not be the most fun ...
Wild, unrestrained college students are about to descend upon Florida in the hedonistic orgy of spring break where they will... drift lazily on a boat? Whether it's spring breakers or ...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made it clear this week his stance on spring break has not softened. He is bolstering police forces in South Florida ahead ...