Marvel Studios Animation's beloved show What If...? Season 3 finally ended in December 2024 with a bittersweet conclusion.
Season 3 of What If…? has attracted somewhat lower critic scores, though not bad, but awful audience scores to the point where it’s one of the lowest things in the MCU.
What If…? recently dropped its third season. The animated series showcases the exciting journeys of everyone’s favorite Marvel superheroes. However, in this show, these characters are in an ...
Marvel Entertainment's What If...? season 3 episode 3 aired via Disney+ on December 24, 2024. The segment, What If... the Red Guardian Stopped the Winter Soldier?, explored the alternate storyline ...
has officially concluded. Marvel Studios’ TV Head, Brad Winderbaum, confirmed the news after the release of Season 3. This left fans with mixed emotions, some grateful for the wild ride and ...
it makes sense that Andrews would’ve utilized him for What If…? Season 3 if the timing had worked out.
The season 3/series finale of What If...? is now streaming on Disney+ - you can read our full recap here - and we finally have a Rotten Tomatoes score for what's proven to be perhaps the most ...
and others that were downright bad ("What If... Iron Man Crashed into the Grandmaster?"). Season 3, in comparison, is largely disappointing with few bright spots to make up for storytelling ...
What If…? season 3 has returned with new explorations of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). It premiered on Disney+ on December 22, 2024; the animated anthology ...
Andrews wished he'd delved more into specific characters like Storm and Wolverine in Season 3. Lack of communication about X-Men rights led to missed opportunities in storytelling. Uncertain ...
Season 3 has returned triumphantly. This season delves into reinterpreting significant events from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, opening up a vast multiverse of intriguing scenarios.