Orbán, Hungary and Ukraine

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said the admission of Ukraine to the EU would destabilise Europe's economy and its ...
Hungary and the United States will agree on an economic cooperation package that will help the Hungarian economy and could ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has long been a headache for European leaders who try to take a hard line on Russian ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced a new economic agreement with the USA designed to protect Hungary from the ...
Former Hungarian finance minister Mihaly Varga took over as central bank governor on Tuesday, pledging an independent policy ...
Hungary plans an economic cooperation package with the U.S. to bolster its economy against potential tariffs. Prime Minister Viktor Orban emphasized its importance in maintaining an economic buffer ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wants to negotiate with the US to expand economic cooperation. He believes this could ...
Hungary's Daring Veto Stuns EU; Orban Boldly Pushes Putin-Trump Plan In Brussels | Watch New Delhi, March 7 -- The Indian ...