Quick debut winner John Hancock and Treaty of Rome , a closing second in the Jan. 4 Mucho Macho Man Stakes at Gulfstream Park ...
Some say an oral promise of religious protection read out at Waitangi in 1840 amounts to a fourth article of the Treaty. But ...
ROME, March 24, 1957 (UP) - Foreign ministers of six West European nations will sign two treaties tomorrow setting up a European common market and atomic pool. Russia has denounced the mergers ...
A well-matched field of 10 sophomores will travel 1 1/16 miles on the Tampa Bay dirt in Saturday’s $250,000 Sam F. Davis S.
The Roman Statute is the founding treaty of the International Criminal ... adopting changes and amendments to the Rome Statute, and selecting judges, the future prosecutor and his deputies ...
Human Rights Watch would not support the treaty if it did not contain such due process protections. Only the right to trial by jury is missing from the Rome Treaty because of the impracticality of ...
Unlike in his maiden win, where he surged home unchallenged, Guns Loaded fought tooth and nail to the wire this time around, prevailing by a neck over a fast-finishing Treaty of Rome in the Jan. 4 ...