Now there’s an app that will quite literally make you touch grass before you can scroll again. The viral app, called Touch ...
If you've got a smartphone, you probably spend too much time on it — checking Instagram, watching silly TikTok videos, ...
In a nutshell New research from the University of British Columbia found that both quitting social media and using it more ...
Verizon executive Sowmyanarayan Sampath and mental health expert Dr. Keneisha Sinclair-McBride revealed safe phone use tips ...
It may seem like a joke or a bit extreme, but it could be a great weapon in the fight to curb our screen time.
Light, the maker of a minimalist phone designed to help consumers disconnect from smartphone distractions and social media, ...
If you’re feeling overwhelmed but don’t quite have the willpower to curb your online habit, your phone can help you manage ...
Common Sense Media's new report dives into the latest research on young kids' screen time habits — and how parents can find a balance.
Kids under 16 could be banned from social media under plans expected to be backed by ministers tomorrow. Sir Chris Whitty ...